Project GHB Board of Directors

Meet the Project GHB Board of Directors

President, Project GHB Board

Trinka Porrata has experience in both journalism and law enforcement, with expertise in sexual assaults, child abuse and narcotics, especially the “trendy drugs of abuse” (those used at rave parties, in the club scene and as weapons of rape).  Porrata retired from the Los Angeles Police Department in 1999 as a supervisor in street narcotics squads.  During the last 3 ½ years at LAPD, Porrata became a nationally recognized expert on flunitrazepam (Rohypnol or roofies), gamma hydroxy butyrate (GHB), MDMA (Ecstasy), ketamine (Special K) and LSD.  Since retiring, Trinka has provided training, consultation and expert testimony on drug issues nationwide and internationally.

Suki has been the South Florida team leader for Project GHB since 2003 . She became involved with Project GHB after the DEA referred her to Trinka Porrata in response to her inquiries to the agency about the drug that caused the demise of her only child, Julius Samuel deJong. Julius passed away on Sept. 9, 2002 from an accidental drug overdose in a Miami apartment. He had been using GHB for a year, and although other drugs were involved, all his friends said it was the "G" that did it.

Ben's Mom


"I became involved with Project GHB approximately one year before the death of my son, Benjamin Croman. At that time it was "Ashes on the Sea." I desperately needed help as my son was heavily addicted and  close to death. I needed information to help him and to become educated myself and have since worked to save others from the same fate.” Ultimately, unfortunately, Ben did lose his battle (his story is told on our tragedies page).

Kyle's Mom
Contact available through Trinka Porrata
Mother of Kyle Hagmann, a young man whose tragic death from GHB at California Lutheran University was ignored by a law enforcement agency.  The supplier continued to sell GHB and other drugs on the college campus and in the area for three more years before finally being arrested on a drug charge. This is another case where the system failed to bring about closure and justice. Kyle’s case was left on the shelf until it was too late to prosecute for manslaughter. It was submitted to the District Attorney’s Office on May 6, 2002, twelve days after the deadline. California has a three-year statute of limitations for manslaughter cases, though numerous other cases had been successfully prosecuted by that time. The supplier eventually lost his own life to a drug overdose in March 2005. 

John Vigallon has over 30 years experience with the drug culture. He has a Masters Degree in Clinical Counseling and is a certified as a Substance Abuse Counselor through the California Association of Alcohol and Drug Educators/Counselors he is the Executive Director of H.E.L.P. Adolescent Recovery and Educational Services, the President of the Northern California Juvenile Officers Association, Vice President of Project, and Vice President of the Atwater Caring About Kids Council.